Radeon 8060S vs 890M: Which One is Better?

Alex Jones

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AMD Radeon 8060S Vs 890M GPU Comparison

Radeon 8060S vs 890M; a battle of iGPUs of AMD. Which one is better? How does AMD’s latest, most powerful iGPU fair against AMD’s previous generation’s most powerful iGPU?

AMD Radeon 8060s is based on RDNA 3.5 architecture made for laptops, an integrated graphics go toe-to-toe against mid range Laptop GPUs at 1080p & 1440p resolution.

AMD Radeon 890M GPU is based on RDNA 3,5 and is also an integrated graphics card for laptops and gaming handhelds, capable of running games at 1080p.

Let’s see the Radeon 8060S comparison against AMD’s Radeon 890M iGPU.

Graphics Card Info Comparison between 8060S vs 890M

AMD Radeon 8060SVSRadeon 890M
Strix PointGPU CodenamePhoenix
RDNA 3.5ArchitectureRDNA 3.5
Jan 7th, 2025Release date15th July, 2024
Navi IV IGPGenerationNavi III IGP
Laptop, DesktopMarket SegmentLaptop

AMD Radeon 8060S vs Radeon 890M Specs Comparison

AMD Radeon 8060SVSRadeon 890M
40 CUsCompute Units / Execution Units16CUs
2560 UnitsStream Processors/Shaders1024 Units
160TMUs (Texture Mapping Units)64
80ROPs (Raster Operation Pipeline)32
40RayTracing Cores16
32 KB per WGPL0 Cache32 KB per WGP
128 KB per ArrayL1 Cache128 KB (per SM)
16 MBL2 Cache2 MB
64 MBL3 Cache
800 MHzBase Clock800 MHz
2900 MHzBoost Clock2900 MHz

AMD Radeon 8060S has 40CUs while AMD 890M has only 16CUs. Both the Radeon 8060s and the Radeon 890m have similar base and boost clocks.

Radeon 8060S graphics has 2560 stream processors against the Radeon 890m iGPU 1024 stream processors, which is double the count.

AMD 8060s has more TMUs, ROPs, and RT cores than the AMD Radeon 890m GPU. Plus the cache size is also larger for the latest and most powerful iGPU’s AMD Radeon tm 8060S.

Radeon 8060s vs RX 890M Board Design Comparison

AMD Radeon 8060sVSRadeon 890M
34 billionTransistors34 billion
4 nmProcess Size4 nm
308 mm²Die Size233 mm²
Density145.9M / mm²
FP11Chip PackageFP8
45-120WTDP (Total Draw Power)15W
IGPSlot WidthIGP
Portable Device DependentOutputsPortable Device Dependent
PCIe 5.0 x16Bus InterfacePCIe 4.0 x16
NonePower ConnectorsNone

Radeon 8060s vs 890M Memory Comparison

AMD Radeon 8060sVSRadeon 890M
System SharedMemory SizeSystem Shared
System SharedMemory TypeSystem Shared
System SharedMemory BusSystem Shared
System SharedMemory ClockSystem Shared
System DependentBandwidthSystem Dependent

Radeon 890M vs 8060S Theoretical Performance Comparison

AMD Radeon 8060sVSRadeon 890M
232.0 GPixel/sPixel Fill Rate92.8 GPixel/s
464.0 GTexel/sTexture Fill Rate185.6 GTexel/s
59.4 TFLOPSFP16 (Half)11.8 TFLOPS
29.7 TFLOPSFP32 (Float)5.939 TFLOPS
0.464 TFLOPSFP64 (Double)0.371 TFLOPS

Radeon 890m vs RX 8060S API Features Comparison

AMD Radeon 8060SVSRadeon 890M
12 Ultimate (12_2)DirectX12 Ultimate (12_2)
6.8Shader Model6.8
2.3HDCP Version2.3

Radeon 890M vs Rx 8060S Benchmark Comparison

Radeon 8060S Vs Radeon 890M Benchmark Comparison
Credit: GamingTechware

AMD Radeon 8060s
VSRadeon 890M
10224Time Spy Graphics3451
25992Firestrike Graphics9622

Radeon 8060s vs 890m Gaming Performance Comparison

The data hasn’t been found yet.


Spec-wise, the Radeon 8060S clearly wins the GPU comparison. Only after the actual gaming comparison can we know how fast the Radeon 8060s graphics card is compared to the Radeon 890m graphics card.

These iGPUs are good for gaming on thin and light laptops without consuming huge power. These iGPUs are good for gaming handheld PCs.


Which is better, AMD Radeon 890M or AMD Radeon 8060S?

By comparing the hardware of both integrated graphics, we can know that the Radeon 8060S is much better than the Radeon 890M.

What are the TFLOPS of the Radeon 890m and AMD 8060s iGPU?

Radeon 890M TFLOPS is 5.9 TFLOPS, while the Radeon 8060S TFLOPS is 29.7 TFLOPS.

What are the TDPs of 890m and Radeon 8060s iGPU?

AMD 890m TDP is 15W, while Radeon 8060s TDP is 45-120W.

Hii, I am Alex, have attained my B.Tech Deg. in CSE. I love to Read about Gaming PCs, Laptops and compare their Specs. A Techie Blogger just want to share my Knowledge about Gaming Hardware.

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